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More and more people over the age of 50 are looking for work as the retirement age is pushed further out of reach and the costs of living continue to increase. Some over 50s may have been out of work for a number of years. Maybe you have spent a number of years raising your family, or maybe you simply want to change career as you enter the final years of employment, or you may find yourself facing redundancy having worked with the same firm for decades. Whatever your reasons for being unemployed, the government has initiated a programme to offer skills training for the over 50s who are not in work to increase their chances of securing employment.

As part of their support package for the unemployed, many Job Centres are now offering skills training for this age group. Although not all Job Centres will deem the over 50s to be a priority, the majority do have the discretion to spend their budgets on whatever initiatives they believe will help people back into work.

When it comes to searching for a job as an older job searcher you may have specific needs such as assistance with CV writing, perfecting interview techniques and acquiring skills which are relevant in today’s workplace. This is particularly relevant if you have worked in the same role for many years and the prospect of re-entering the world of work can be a daunting experience.

Training courses can focus on a range of different skills from networking online and offline, building your personal brand and persuading potential employers that you have the skills, knowledge and expertise that would be beneficial for their organisation.

Perhaps one of the major barriers that the over 50s face is their lack of up to date skills. In addition, many 50 plus job seekers state that they experience ageist attitudes from employers. However, improving your skills in technology so you can compete with the younger generation is essential, not only because these skills are used frequently in the workplace but the majority of job opportunities now require candidates to complete the application online. This is where Positive Smiles’ Digital Champions step in and can provide you with one to one support.

For more information, email or call into the office and ask to speak to one of our digital champions.