Positive Smiles deliver services that enable ex/offenders and those at risk to be the best they can be and where all individuals have an opportunity to turn their lives around.

Positive Smiles promotes employment as a route out of offending for people with a criminal record. Our projects help those with complex multiple needs to overcome the barriers they face in moving from dependency on welfare and crime to becoming self-sustaining members of communities. Additionally, PS works extensively with employers providing specific expertise in relation to safe recruitment and selection. 

We have been supporting offenders across the north west and have a greater understanding of their complex needs, type of support they need & respond to and what works. 

Our service users respond better when all their needs can be addressed using just the one service, offering a holistic, not time limited approach as our experience identifies that this client group’s needs are many and complex & cannot always be met within a short period of time.

We believe that with the right support positive changes can start to happen to individuals who engage with the projects. In taking this approach, we must first ensure that our clients are ready to move forward, by eliminating obstacles such as debt, substance misuse and mental health issues. We work in conjunction with our specialist local services referring our clients to appropriate agencies while supporting them throughout. 

Our advice & guidance officers support our client group to positively disclose their criminal record when applying for employment, voluntary work, higher education and insurance. They will have a better understanding of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act and ensure that they are disclosing the correct information in response to what is being asked and potentially challenging if they feel what is being asked of them is not acceptable under equal opportunities legislation.