Positive Smiles has been supporting young people with complex needs all over the north west.

We work closely with local council leaving care teams, Family Intervention Projects, probation services, local charities, community groups and support groups, and larger charities such as the Princess Trust. 

Although the backgrounds and situations of our young clients can be very different, a great many of the challenges they face are similar; these include:

       ·        poor educational outcomes

       ·         inadequate support mechanisms

       ·         low aspirations / lack of motivation

       ·         low self-esteem / lack of confidence

With a focus on building confidence and aspirations, we support young people to find volunteer opportunities that are enjoyable – where they can make new friends as well as learn new skills.

Clients are provided with one-to-one support to address real and perceived barriers to volunteering.  In addition to confidence building and mentoring support, this may include help with CVs and interview techniques.

We don’t count the hours or days it takes to affect change; helping people with complex needs takes time and we work flexibly to meet the individual needs of every person we help. We help our clients through various means which include:

Providing one-to-one coaching, helping to build confidence and self-belief, explore individual skills and interests, challenge perceptions and attitudes towards volunteering and identify future goals and aspirations.

Motivating and inspiring clients to volunteer in their communities, helping them to feel valued as contributing members of society and to build new social networks.

Finding individual volunteering placements based on the person’s needs, interests and ambitions, and then supporting them into that role, such as help completing application forms, accompanying them to interviews or going with them on their first day.

Working with charities and community groups to remove barriers to volunteering for people with complex needs, challenging stigma and promoting the value these individuals can bring to organisations.

Providing mentor support during the placement, supporting both volunteers and the charities in overcoming barriers that may arise and, if need be, recommending follow-on placements to progress abilities and confidence.