Many individuals find that spending time outdoors improves low moods and promotes relaxation and calm. Environmental and Eco-therapy is an approach that rests on the idea that people have a deep connection to their environment and to the earth itself. In this same line of thinking, failing to nurture this connection can take a toll on your well-being, particularly your mental health. Our ideas for environmental resilience led activities is something which has not been done primarily as a main strand of work in the Borough before. As an organisation who work with marginalised groups, we are humbled to receive the support and guidance of passionate local councillors and volunteers.
The Environmental Resilience strand is aimed to enhance and empower community members to drive environmental awareness and change at grassroots level. The work we have delivered has assisted in helping drive individual and social change, uplifting the community, and most beneficial of all – creating a sustainable future. Through group activities and one to one support, we ensure all participants are educated and empowered to understand that caring for the environment is beneficial for them and their planet. Through incorporating eco-therapy, we explore the positive effects of being surrounded by nature and how this relieves stress, how nature can make us feel relaxed and has a lot of value. The aim of this strand is to improve mental wellbeing through environmental and eco therapy, as it helps people become more physically active, giving individuals the skills to get back into work or training, and helping those who are lonely or socially isolated to broaden their networks. Our outdoor courses run in a community setting, aimed to develop community understanding and participation in environmental resilience related activities such as; food resilience, compost, gardening and growing veg & herbs, biodiversity and nature walks, crafts and upcycling, reducing, reusing and recycling.
Current support being delivered is through volunteers, nature enthusiasts and retired members of the community. Our current volunteer led ‘Nature and Natter’ programme, prioritise a two-way relationship with nature; giving something back to the area and surroundings of our planet, as well as beneficially helping with issues related to anxiety, depression, social isolation, loneliness, other environmental damage, and global warming.
The Blackburn with Darwen Climate Emergency Action Plan (February 2020) has stated the Borough Council has declared a Climate Emergency. Tackling climate change requires everybody – local authorities, communities, government, and businesses – to act together. In order to support the town, creating a safe and clean environment, alongside reducing health inequalities, and improving health outcomes is needed, we implement our Environmental Resilience strand, forming a resilient & attractive borough – physically, mentally, socially, and environmentally.
Some benefits of nature led well-being programmes are –
- More opportunities for social connection – Ecotherapy often takes place in group therapy settings, but you can connect with others even outside of group sessions as part of a hobby or self-sustained group. Community gardening, for example, can reduce loneliness, acquaint you with new people, and increase feelings of community solidarity.
- Motivation to exercise – Exercise can help improve sleep and other aspects of physical health, of course, but it can also have a positive impact on mental health.
- Increased mindfulness – When you spend time in a natural environment, you’re more likely to use your senses to experience your surroundings. Calming sounds, like birds chirping or the rustling of leaves, can help you detach from traffic, work conflict, and ordinary stressors of everyday life. Turning your attention toward the scenery can also help you practice focusing on the present instead of mentally cycling through worrisome thoughts.
- For resilience – According to studies, children living in rural areas tended to have greater resilience to stress, higher levels of self-worth, and improved concentration and cognitive abilities. Time outdoors can also promote creativity and strengthen their sense of self, the review authors note.
- For post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Ecotherapy has been found to work as a promising intervention for veterans living with post-traumatic stress. The potential benefits of nature therapy for symptoms of PTSD, particularly for those who have difficulty following other treatment programs or find them unhelpful.
- For improved well-being – Sources suggest gardening at home can promote emotional well-being. From our own personal voluntary groups, many individuals have reported better moods, increased calm, feelings of belonging, and a deeper understanding of their mental health.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, sessions are current being delivered remotely. Should the restrictions reduce, group outdoor activity may resume with social distancing measures in place.
Current projects
A socially distanced walk for people in the community to come together, enjoy nature & have a good natter!
- For all abilities
- Group of families & friends welcome
- Free for all participants
Download a copy of our latest flyer here.
Free weekly sessions aimed to develop your skills, confidence & personal development through gardening & nature led activities.
Register today to experience the benefits of growing your own herbs & veggies, making friends & improving your employability opportunities.
- For all abilities
- 1-1 digital & face-to-face support
- Free for all participants
Contact us for more information on info@positivesmiles.co.uk or 01254 946 444. Click here to find the poster