In addition to the programmes we offer, we run regular community, arts and social workshops. Workshops are perfect for those who may not be able to commit to weekly sessions – come along, spend time with others, make new friends and learn a new skill!
For more information on the workshops we run, emails us at –

For International Women’s Day 2021, Positive Smiles hosted an interactive online session focusing on the theme #ChooseToChallenge. This digital celebration was an invitation to local, professional and inspiring women from the community, to come together to challenge, discuss and champion the vast experience and exciting new findings of both men and women who support the mission of International Women’s Day. We had a fantastic turn out of attendees and guest speakers. We celebrated courageous and inspiring efforts by women and girls around the world in shaping a more equal future and continuing to #ChooseToChallenge. This past year has been unbelievably difficult in so many ways due to COVID-19, but women around us have been incredibly inspiring and strong as always, thriving for the greater good of those around us. This evening was in raising awareness of these efforts, networking to create new connections, and recognising hard work amongst us all, in various different fields. Keynote speakers included,
  • Councillor Jackie Floyd
  • Farah Lunat: Senior Research Facilitator LSCFT NHS
  • Samaya Ashraf: Person-Centred Psychotherapist
  • Dr Nosheen Zaidi: University of Manchester
On behalf of Positive Smiles, we would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who attended and to our fantastic guest speakers! We have collated some of their videos, to share with you. Feel free to get in touch for further information on the event, or how to join in for future events –

For Afternoon Tea week, we hosted our very first afternoon tea in the park. This took place on August 11th in the Community Gardens at Corporation Park, Blackburn. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has left a lasting effect on us all, simple things like catching up with loved ones over tea, meeting new people & spending time in nature were taken from us. Despite the distance, the community has never been so close! Whether it was dropping off shopping for your neighbours, going for socially distanced walks or simply smiling at strangers – as a nation we’ve done what we can to help one another in these difficult times, and we at Positive Smiles love to celebrate community spirit!  

We had a fantastic turn out of people from all walks of life. The day was spent in celebration of community and getting to know one another. With plentiful cups of teas, family fun games and delicious dishes to share, taking time out for your wellbeing has never been so easy!  

On behalf of Positive Smiles, we would like to say a huge Thank You to everyone who attended and to all those that brought along some fantastic dishes to share!  

If you would like more information about the event, details on how to join future events or if you would like to support/sponsor Afternoon Tea in the Park 2022, feel free to get in touch – or 01254 946 444.

Positive Smiles collaborated with ‘The Bureau – Centre for the Arts’ for their new social prescribing project – ‘Thrive’. This new project aims to bring together local organisations and help provide a programme of activities which will aid people in building confidence, connections & creativity, all to help increase our general health & wellbeing.   

This in-person workshop was held to explore the 5 ways to wellbeing initiative – simple actions people can do in their everyday lives that can improve emotional health. 

As many of us find ourselves busy and overwhelmed by routines & lifestyles, we often neglect our own emotional wellbeing & mental health. Through our mindful photography walk we were able to bring individuals from different walks of life together for a gentle walk through the local park, with a focus on the theme of #Connect. 

Attendees learnt simple photography tricks they can use in their everyday life including image composition & exposure. Attendees were able to improve their relationship with the natural world, develop their photography skills, connect with other individuals and ultimately strengthen their emotional and mental wellbeing as a result. 

On behalf of Positive Smiles & The Bureau – Centre for the Arts, we would like to say a huge Thank You to all attendees that joined in on the walk.

If you would like more information about the event, details on how to join future events or if you would like to support/sponsor our next Mindful Photography Walk, feel free to get in touch –  – 01254 946 444

Free craft sessions to improve your DIY skills, develop your confidence and a chance to make new friends with other crafting enthusiasts!
Register today to be the first to know when our next Craft and Chat session will be!
Contact us for more information on or give us a ring on 01254 946 444.
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